Celebrating 20 Years!

Celebrating 20 Years!

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University (OLLI) is a group of more than 1,000 individuals, age 50 and over, who learn together through three distinct programs: OLLI Classes, OLLI Learning Trips, and OLLI Study Groups.

Here, members can discuss what they learned, what they enjoyed, and offer suggestions to enhance future program offerings.

Take a look at the photos we're taking, and the discussions we're having as OLLI members.

Whether we're in class, in town, or out of town ... we're on the go, having fun, and constantly learning.

We look forward to reading your comments!

While you're online, be sure to visit our website www.bradley.edu/continue/olli to register for our programs.

Don't forget -- OLLI has its own YouTube Channel, where you can see video clips of Learning Trips, Classes, and Study Groups!

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Living Lands and Waters -- October 20, 2012

In late October, OLLI visited the Living Lands and Waters floating classroom on the Peoria Riverfront.

While on the boat, we learned about the history of the organization, discussed how rivers have changed over the last 150 years, and explored other topics, including invasive species, water quality, climate change, water shortages, and infrastructure.

For more information about the organization, please visit www.livinglandsandwaters.org

Behr Recycling -- October 29, 2012

During our tour of Behr Recycling, we learned all about the scrapping process and saw Behr’s new $12 million monster shredder, a 300-foot long, five-story tall machine that can shred a car in two seconds. We also learn all about Behr’s recent $15 million expansion, found out why scrap has turned into big business, and discussed the global demand for iron, steel, copper, and brass.

OLLI thanks Dave Rumer and his staff for making us feel welcome during our visit!

For more information about Behr Recycling, please visit www.behrim.com/home.

Toraason Glass -- October 25, 2012

Once again, OLLI enjoyed a fabulous afternoon at Hiram Toraason’s glass blowing studio in downtown Peoria.

Hiram led a tour of his gallery and demonstrated the techniques of working with 2,000-degree molten glass to create a one-of-a-kind work of art.

OLLI thanks Hiram and his staff for making our tour a success.

For more information about Toraason Glass, visit http://toraasonglass.com

Ernie Pyle / Covered Bridges -- October 19, 2012

OLLI spent a day with Bernie Drake, frequent OLLI instructor, exploring historic sites throughout western Indiana.

Our first stop was a visit to the Ernie Pyle Home, the state historic site that honors the popular reporter of World War II. Next, we headed to the small town of Tangier, where we enjoyed a lunch of “world famous buried beef.” Lastly, we took a two-hour tour of covered bridges throughout Parke County, home to more covered bridges than any other county in the world.

For more information about the covered bridges, please visit www.coveredbridges.com.

Bradley University Campus Tour -- October 16, 2012

On this tour, we had the opportunity to see Bradley University through the eyes of a student.

We visited the John C. Hench Production Studios, learned how students conduct research alongside faculty in the Olin Hall of Science, visited newly renovated Westlake Hall, and explored Renaissance Coliseum with student-athletes.

OLLI thanks Cori Craig and all the BU faculty and staff who made this tour such a success.

For more information about the campus, please visit www.bradley.edu

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Elmwood's Hometown Sons -- October 8, 2012

Nearly 30 OLLI members spent a day in the city of Elmwood and learned all about its most prominent citizens in this spin-off trip of the Study Group, "A Guy from Central Illinois Makes it Big: J.P. Morgan's Man in Paris."

Our day in the small Peoria County town included a fascinating presentation on Elmwood's history, a walking tour of downtown with many anecdotes about businesses past and present, and a visit with John Hamann, Mary Hanlin, and Karl Taylor, all of whom have an extraordinary knowledge about Elmwood's past.

OLLI thanks these fine presenters, as well as Mr. Dick Taylor, who helped coordinate our visit.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fair Oaks Farm -- September 27, 2012

It was another beautiful day of learning as OLLI visited Fair Oaks Farm, a family-owned dairy located in northwestern Indiana.

During the day, we witnessed how four million glasses of milk are produced daily by 30,000 cows, and had an opportunity to witness the birth of one of the 80-100 calves born on site each day.

OLLI members also visited the nursery to see newborn calves being fed, toured the milking parlor, viewed a 4-D presentation on the circle of dairy life, and visited the cheese shop.

Historic Oregon -- September 26, 2012

OLLI members spent a beautiful autumn day learning about several historic sites near Oregon, Illinois, located about two hours north of Peoria.

The first stop was Art Casting of Illinois, where Harry and Karly Spell provided a private tour of their bronze foundry. Next, we visited the Chana School and learned about the historic one-room school. After a step-on tour of the Oregon Sculpture Trail, we took a docent-led tour of the John Deere Historic Site in Grand Detour, Illinois.

182nd Airlift Wing -- September 25, 2012

During our visit to the 182nd Airlift Wing in Bartonville, Colonel William Robertson (’83), the Wing Commander, led a tour to explore the Wing’s mission to include the maintenance, flying operations, and air support to the Army, Security Forces, and much more. He also provided an update on the Wing’s current worldwide missions.

OLLI thanks Col. Robertson and his staff for providing an engaging, hands-on tour of the base.

For more information about the 182nd, please visit www.182aw.ang.af.mil

Gen. Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport -- September 18, 2012

On this trip, OLLI had an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at ticket counters, inbound baggage facilities, passenger screening rooms, waiting areas, and jet bridges at the General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport.

Two dozen OLLI members also learned how the new 125,000 square-foot terminal places ticket counters, baggage claim and rental car desks on one floor in the main concourse, serving around 1 million travelers through 12 gates annually.

OLLI thanks Airport Director Gene Olson for arranging this visit and Operations Manager Doug Palmer for spending a wonderful morning with our lifelong learners.

For more information about the airport, please visit www.flypia.com

PDC and Landfill -- September 13, 2012

OLLI member Les Bergsten, Chairman of the Peoria City/County Landfill Committee, was our host as we visited the Peoria Disposal Company headquarters and the landfill near Edwards, Illinois.

During our tour, we discussed the history of the landfill, heard an update on the construction of Landfill #3, and saw the actual operations of the landfill.

OLLI thanks Les and the staff at PDC for providing an informative tour.

For more information about the landfill, please visit www.ci.peoria.il.us/landfill. To learn more about PDC, please visit www.pdcarea.com

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