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Celebrating 20 Years!
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University (OLLI) is a group of more than 1,000 individuals, age 50 and over, who learn together through three distinct programs: OLLI Classes, OLLI Learning Trips, and OLLI Study Groups.
Here, members can discuss what they learned, what they enjoyed, and offer suggestions to enhance future program offerings.
Take a look at the photos we're taking, and the discussions we're having as OLLI members.
Whether we're in class, in town, or out of town ... we're on the go, having fun, and constantly learning.
We look forward to reading your comments!
While you're online, be sure to visit our website www.bradley.edu/continue/olli to register for our programs.
Don't forget -- OLLI has its own YouTube Channel, where you can see video clips of Learning Trips, Classes, and Study Groups!
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Friday, January 9, 2009
MUIR Graphics: Thursday, January 22, 2009
On a sunny day in late January 2009, OLLI members were given an in-depth look at Muir Omni Graphics, an industrial graphics manufacturer located just two blocks away from Bradley University, at 908 W. Main Street, Peoria, Illinois.
Ms. April Lemkemann led the tour, which began with a presentation of Muir's history and products. The company, founded in 1963, specializes in weather-able silkscreen printed markings such as graphic overlays, corporate and fleet markings, safety and instructional markings, and damage prevention products. Its customers include American Family Insurance, Verizon, and Caterpillar Inc.
Ms. Lemkemann then led our group through the entire production process, starting with a product order, following it through the production shop, and finally to quality control and distribution.
According to Ms. Lemkemann, Muir Omni is an an ISO 9001:2000 certified facility that practices Six Sigma methodology to ensure production efficiency. The company also has achieved an ISO 14001 certification in environmental management standards, which represents its efforts to minimize its impact on the environment (i.e., paperless communication and "green" production materials).
A big thanks goes to Ms. Lemkemann and her colleague Tobbias Day, who led a wonderful tour for our members.
For more information about Muir Omni Graphics, please visit www.muirgraphics.com.
Wow, whoever set up this blog is a superstar!!