Discuss past, present, and future OLLI events and programs here!
Celebrating 20 Years!

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University (OLLI) is a group of more than 1,000 individuals, age 50 and over, who learn together through three distinct programs: OLLI Classes, OLLI Learning Trips, and OLLI Study Groups.
Here, members can discuss what they learned, what they enjoyed, and offer suggestions to enhance future program offerings.
Take a look at the photos we're taking, and the discussions we're having as OLLI members.
Whether we're in class, in town, or out of town ... we're on the go, having fun, and constantly learning.
We look forward to reading your comments!
While you're online, be sure to visit our website www.bradley.edu/continue/olli to register for our programs.
Don't forget -- OLLI has its own YouTube Channel, where you can see video clips of Learning Trips, Classes, and Study Groups!
Like us on Facebook!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Historic Oregon -- October 28, 2010
In late October, OLLI traveled to Oregon, Illinois, located about two hours north of Peoria, where we spent a beautiful autumn day learning about the art, nature, and cultural attractions of the town.
Our stops included a tour of Art Casting of Illinois, where owner Karly Spell and her staff (which includes some Bradley graduates) provided a tour of the bronze foundry. Next, we visited the Chana School for a private tour of the historic one-room school. After the tour, local artist Jeff Adams hopped on our bus to provide commentary as we drove through the town’s Sculpture Trail. Following lunch at the White Pines Inn, we ended the day with a private tour and blacksmithing presentation on the grounds of the John Deere Historic Site in Grand De Tour.
For more information about the attractions in Oregon, please visit the town's website.
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