Discuss past, present, and future OLLI events and programs here!
Celebrating 20 Years!

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Bradley University (OLLI) is a group of more than 1,000 individuals, age 50 and over, who learn together through three distinct programs: OLLI Classes, OLLI Learning Trips, and OLLI Study Groups.
Here, members can discuss what they learned, what they enjoyed, and offer suggestions to enhance future program offerings.
Take a look at the photos we're taking, and the discussions we're having as OLLI members.
Whether we're in class, in town, or out of town ... we're on the go, having fun, and constantly learning.
We look forward to reading your comments!
While you're online, be sure to visit our website www.bradley.edu/continue/olli to register for our programs.
Don't forget -- OLLI has its own YouTube Channel, where you can see video clips of Learning Trips, Classes, and Study Groups!
Like us on Facebook!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Rockford - November 1, 2011
Jim Wilhelm, host of WTVP’s “Illinois Adventure” series, was back by popular demand to accompany us on another trip – this time to two unique sites in Rockford.
Our first stop was a tour of Historic Auto Attractions, a 36,000 square-foot facility that features the world’s largest collection of presidential limousines. After lunch, we toured the 1865 Tinker Swiss Cottage, a rare example of Victorian exotic architecture.
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